Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Happy New Year!

I know... I know... it's been forever since I've been on here! As an author, you'd think I be on here writing all the time. But the truth is lately I haven't been motivated to. My hectic life got more hectic.
My beautiful daughter is now 16 months old and getting into everything. She is so adventurous and enjoys testing the limits and exploring. Chasing after her is a full time job and now I'm waddling! I'm 18 weeks pregnant with our second child, and this pregnancy has not been as easy as the last. I've been having lots of pelvic pressure thanks to how low I am caring baby #2. I've got back aches and cramps and I'm not even half way! I felt my cervix before Christmas (because I'm a worrying weirdo) and was afraid I was going into preterm labour... this did not help as it was so soft and I could fit my finger tip in it. Don't worry I won't do it again, we went to the urgent care, because thanks to an ice storm, I couldn't get a hold of my OB or my family dr. They sent me for an emergency ultrasound that was labeled as "possible abortion" on the requisition form. They only place that could get me in on December 23rd was a ultrasound clinic in a strip mall in Whitby. We knew looking at it, it was sketchy but we wanted to make sure our baby was ok. Well despite me telling the technician a few times we did not want to know the sex of the baby when asked... he decided to ruin the surprise by ending the ultrasound with, "By the way it's a boy". Are you kidding me?
When I told Rod what happened, (leaving out the gender), he went back to ask him why he would tell me. And he denied it?! Unbelievable. But by Christmas day, Rod's curiosity got the better of him and told me he did in fact want to know too.
We still don't even know if everything is ok though, I have to wait for the Dr at the urgent care who ordered the ultrasound to call me to get the results, and with the holidays, I've been told it could take a while. In the meantime, I need to try to relax as much as possible and keep my feet up. Whilst chasing my 16 months old! GOOD LUCK!
Anyway, I don't make New Years resolutions because it only lasts for a few days and then are forgotten. But I am hoping to start writing more. I hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday, and I wish you all the best for 2014.

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

I owe you an update!

Tomorrow is my second tv appearance, and I thought, geez I don't even think I gave an update after my first one.

So daytime Durham went great! Dena, the host was super friendly, as was her producer Sandi. I was nervous before going on but it wasn't too bad once we started. The link for those who want to watch it is on my website, but here you are!

Then I had my book signing on Sunday, which also was fantastic! I have such an amazing group of friends and family who came out to support me. I sold 22 copies of my book and together with other donations, raised $100 for the Denise House. I also had members of the congregation request me to be there next Sunday so they could buy copies. So that's amazing!

I really appreciate everyone's support for myself and the Denise House. I'll try to post tomorrow with an update after being on Talk Durham!

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Lights... Camera... Action UPDATE

Just an update about my TV appearances, I can't believe they are coming up. Two more sleeps till I'll be on daytime Durham. I know there may be some people that aren't local that might be interested in watching them. You can watch daytime Durham online at http://www.rogerstv.com/page.aspx?lid=237&rid=2&sid=2325 which airs this Thursday, October 3rd at 11:00a.m. EST, or watch on Rogers TV Channel 10 or 63. This will be a 5 - 10 minute segment. 

Then a week tomorrow I will be on Talk Durham. This is also available online, at http://www.rogersondemand.com/tvshows/talk_durham and airs Wednesday, October 9th at 7:00p.m. EST on the same channel but I will be on for 30 minutes! A whole 30 minutes. Two of the workers from the Denise House will be on the show speaking about spousal abuse for the first 30 minutes. Then I'll be on solo. EEP!!! It's so exciting though.

I am so very thankful for the producers and everyone at daytime Durham and Talk Durham for helping me raise awareness.

On another note, I'd also like to thank my mum, grandma, and sister who helped me make about 150 purple awareness ribbons for my book signing event this Sunday.

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Lights... Camera... Action... AGAIN!

I just wanted to share with my fans that I will be appearing on Talk Durham to discuss my book but more importantly the topic of Spousal Abuse. This show will be after my book signing on Wednesday, October 9th, 2013. It is taped live at 7:00p.m. - 8:00p.m. EST on Rogers TV. 
As well as myself, someone from the Denise House will also be there. Views will be able to phone in with questions as well. For those wanting more information about this please check out Talk Durham's site by clicking here.
Again I am nervous but excited as well! Thanks for your support!

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

New Writing in the Works

I forgot to tell you, I had written this children's book when I was younger... gosh I don't even know how young, 10 maybe? 11? It was called The Pencil and The Paper. I used it again in grade 7 when we had to make a children's book (illistrated and all).

Anyway, I've lately been toying with the idea of writing children's books not that I am a mother. And I want to have a series, a lovable character. So I've chosen PigPig, Bella's stuffed pig. I revised the children's story I had written and turned it into a PigPig story.

One of my friends has a sister who wants to illustrate children's books (and if you had seen my grade 7 project you would know what a blessing this is!). So her and I have been emailing back and forth, she is also a stay at home mom. She is working on illustrations now, which I haven't seen. But I am so excited about this too!!!

I will keep you posted!!


Well loyal fans, I have some uber exciting news. I will be appearing on TV to promote my book. A local show called daytime Durham! On Thursday, October 3rd it is filmed LIVE at 11:00a.m. EST on Rogers TV channel 10/63. It also we be on again at 4:00p.m. EST. You can also check it out on its website

I am so excited and so grateful for this opportunity, but also so nervous! I think it's great timing with it being a few days before my book signing event. I hope it will allow me to reach a larger audience and in turn hope to raise more money for The Denise House.

The event planning is going well. I have my speaker from the Denise House booked (haha booked, get it?) I know my chapter to read. I printed my flyers today and will be posting them around the community.

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Event Planning - Part 4

Ok first off I would like to apologize as it has been far too long since I have posted. I could give you tons of excuses but I will just be straight to the point is saying: Life Gets In The Way.

Now that we have moved past that, the date for my book signing has been set! Sunday, October 6th 2013 from 12:00p.m. till 2:00p.m. at Kingsview United Church in Oshawa!

I've made flyers and will be getting them printed today! And I'm going to have purple ribbons for people to wear, and I think purple balloons.

I'm getting nervous. I hope there is a good turn out, I really hope we can raise money for The Denise House.

There is more to say but my daughter just woke up, and well Life Gets In The Way!

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Event Planing - Part 3

I can't make up my mind how many book signings to have in October. At first I thought I do 3, one in each location in Durham Region (Oshawa, Ajax, Pickering). I thought the more places I had it the better chance we'd have at raising money for the Denise House.

But now that I think about it, I was thinking maybe it would just be better to have one big main event at the Oshawa Centre. I'm afraid that people I know will come to the first one (makes sense) and then maybe the others will have a really small turn out which won't attract anyone passing by to come over. Crowds draw people.

Also, if someone from the Denise House is coming to speak (which we are discussing the possibility) then they won't really want to go to all three I shouldn't think.

On other notes, I need to start looking for some stuff I want to have (a big jar for any other donations people may want to leave, a guest book, bookmarks, etc)

I finally got my Event Request form from Chapters/Indigo and have started filling it out. I'm hoping to do it at the beginning of October. I think the 5th. I'm not sure yet what time to do either. How long do these things go on?

Saturday, 20 July 2013

Bliss (a poem)

Oh how I must paint
the image of perfection before me

I watch the sweet slumber,
the whisper of her breathing,
the scent of soft skin and dreams

She stirs ever so slightly 
and I hold my breath 
so as not to disturb her

Time stands still

Oh how I could watch
the tiny angel that is

my daughter

Update: Poetry In Motion

Seriously?!?!?!?!? So I'm looking for a kit of magnetic words and after looking on Amazon, I decide I'm going to check out other options. I do a Google search of 'Magnetic Poetry'. And what should pop up first but a site called Magnetic Poetry. Upon clicking on it I discover not only do they sell the kits BUT.......



Oh my goodie goodie gosh! It's literally Christmas in JULY!


Poetry In Motion

I used to go on poetry.com when I was a teenager and enter poetry contests. It was a great site and had useful stuff too like a rhyming dictionary. But the best thing they had was called the Poetry in Motion contest. Everyday there were a whole bunch of words (much like those magnets you can buy) and you had to write a poem using so many of the words.

Even when I wasn't entering the contest, I would go to the site and choose a bunch of words as a writing exercise. It was awesome and so helpful to keep myself writing, practicing.

Sadly even though the site still exists, Poetry In Motion doesn't. It was a great tool and I really miss it. It was my go-to when I had writer's block. Perhaps I should order a set of those magnets...

Event Planning - Part 2

So as I mentioned, I'm in the midst of planning my book signing. And I got the most of the steps checked off my list. But here is a refresher:

1. Choose a Theme
2. Choose a Location
3. Alert the Media & Get the Word Out There
4. Prepare to Talk
5. Sign & Sell

So as for a theme, I thought about this good and hard. Honey, I’m Home is a story about a woman living with spousal abuse. Although my book is fictional, I am aware of the sad truth that domestic abuse is not. I included information at the back of my book for people all over the world who are in Katie's situation and are looking for help. I am also aware that this is not enough, so I am looking to do more.

Because October is National Domestic Violence Awarenessmonth, I have chosen to do my book signing during this time. I will also have information about Domestic Violence in hopes to raise awareness on this subject.

I was shocked to discover that in Canada, one woman is murdered by her domestic partner every six days. And that Durham Region has only four shelters, and at those shelters there are only 83 beds total available for women and children in emergency situations. That is one bed for approximately every 7,326 people in Durham (according to 2011 census population stats).  This statistic breaks my heart.

One of those four shelters in Durham is called The Denise House. I was first introduced to The Denise House years ago when my church, Kingsview Untied, was holding it’s annual Outreach Walk-a-thon. I was much younger at that time and only really understood that it was a shelter for abused women. But during my research on this topic, I discovered so much more than that, I was amazed by all the wonderful programs and resources you offer there. I was touched by the story of Denise Penny and why the shelter was renamed to honour the memory of her.

To coincide with my book signing and Domestic Violence Awareness Month, I will be donating $1 for every book sold in the month of October to The Denise House.

Though the date is not yet set, I am happy to be doing something to help women out and I hope my readers will feel the same way too.

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Looking for Reasons to Write

I just wanted to say that as a writer it is important to keep your passion alive by practicing.

"Practice, Miss Bennet. Practice. You can't do enough of it."
Lady Catherine de Bourgh, Pride & Prejudice (1940 version movie)
I am consistently trying to find ways to keep practicing. Journaling of course is a great way. But it's more fun to find other little ways. Today I wrote a little poem on the memo section of a ziplock bag in my husband's lunch as I was packing it:

Roses are red, my eyes are blue,
I'll never love anyone as much as you!
Lilies are pink, your eyes are brown,
My life gets better with you around!

Monday, 15 July 2013

Planning an Event

Really starting to play my first book signing, before I thought it would be a book launch but it was hard without knowing when the book was actually going to be released. So book signing it is. I mean, the only difference is one happens right when the book is released, the other can happen anytime.

I've done a lot of reading on a lot of websites to see what kinds of things you need to have for this sort of thing. There is of course, more information for a book launch but I'm using those resources too.

You just need to follow these "simple" steps:

1. Choose a Theme
2. Choose a Location
3. Alert the Media & Get the Word Out There
4. Prepare to Talk
5. Sign & Sell

Oh, is that all? Piece of cake right?

I started off with the ones that seemed easiest to me.

3. Alert the Media & Get the Word Out There
I've built up a list of local "media to alert" so once the date is set I can let them all know. As far as "getting the word out there" this day in age I can't see it being too hard of a time, I can use word of mouth and my Facebook page as well as the media.

4. Prepare to Talk
It wasn't very hard for me to choose a part of my book to read. Most sites recommend a few pages for sure, if not a whole chapter. So I decided to read something from the beginning of the book so as not to give away too much. Chapter 3 - The Face In The Mirror really sums up how Katie is feeling and demonstrates Tom awful behaviour.

5. Sign & Sell
There isn't much I can do here but come prepared with books and a pen (or two) in hand. If people are interested in purchasing then I will be happy to sign them!

Now as for a theme, uh isn't my theme my book? And location? I'm a first time author, I'd love to hold it at Chapters, or a library I guess.

Friday, 12 July 2013

To Blog.. Or Not To Blog?

...That is the question.

I'm a writer, an author.
(You should know all this if you've found your way here from my book links, or came here to find out information about my books. But I feel like it must be said aloud...well you know what I mean)

So yes, I am a writer, you would like that a Blog is the perfectly designed internet invention for someone like myself. I journal. I scribble. I write... but do I...blog?

No, not yet anyways. But maybe I should. I spend enough time on my laptop anyway, why not blog a little here and there (here a blog, there a blog, everywhere a blog blog!)

Sorry, I should mention I am also a stay at home mum (or SAHM) so you'll probably have to get used to my quoting or referencing children's stuff... and all movies, songs, books etc. I tend to do that a lot.

But what could I have to blog about that someone would actually want to read about? Surely not my day, it barely holds interest to my mum when I tell her about it. Not my ideas, because sometimes ideas are simply, well just ideas. Thoughts that may or may no make sense, and may not even amount to something, or may amount to something in which case, shouldn't I keep a secret... like to surprise you all when my next book comes out?

So what will I blog about? We shall see... but you have been warned!