Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Lights... Camera... Action... AGAIN!

I just wanted to share with my fans that I will be appearing on Talk Durham to discuss my book but more importantly the topic of Spousal Abuse. This show will be after my book signing on Wednesday, October 9th, 2013. It is taped live at 7:00p.m. - 8:00p.m. EST on Rogers TV. 
As well as myself, someone from the Denise House will also be there. Views will be able to phone in with questions as well. For those wanting more information about this please check out Talk Durham's site by clicking here.
Again I am nervous but excited as well! Thanks for your support!

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

New Writing in the Works

I forgot to tell you, I had written this children's book when I was younger... gosh I don't even know how young, 10 maybe? 11? It was called The Pencil and The Paper. I used it again in grade 7 when we had to make a children's book (illistrated and all).

Anyway, I've lately been toying with the idea of writing children's books not that I am a mother. And I want to have a series, a lovable character. So I've chosen PigPig, Bella's stuffed pig. I revised the children's story I had written and turned it into a PigPig story.

One of my friends has a sister who wants to illustrate children's books (and if you had seen my grade 7 project you would know what a blessing this is!). So her and I have been emailing back and forth, she is also a stay at home mom. She is working on illustrations now, which I haven't seen. But I am so excited about this too!!!

I will keep you posted!!


Well loyal fans, I have some uber exciting news. I will be appearing on TV to promote my book. A local show called daytime Durham! On Thursday, October 3rd it is filmed LIVE at 11:00a.m. EST on Rogers TV channel 10/63. It also we be on again at 4:00p.m. EST. You can also check it out on its website

I am so excited and so grateful for this opportunity, but also so nervous! I think it's great timing with it being a few days before my book signing event. I hope it will allow me to reach a larger audience and in turn hope to raise more money for The Denise House.

The event planning is going well. I have my speaker from the Denise House booked (haha booked, get it?) I know my chapter to read. I printed my flyers today and will be posting them around the community.

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Event Planning - Part 4

Ok first off I would like to apologize as it has been far too long since I have posted. I could give you tons of excuses but I will just be straight to the point is saying: Life Gets In The Way.

Now that we have moved past that, the date for my book signing has been set! Sunday, October 6th 2013 from 12:00p.m. till 2:00p.m. at Kingsview United Church in Oshawa!

I've made flyers and will be getting them printed today! And I'm going to have purple ribbons for people to wear, and I think purple balloons.

I'm getting nervous. I hope there is a good turn out, I really hope we can raise money for The Denise House.

There is more to say but my daughter just woke up, and well Life Gets In The Way!