Tuesday 26 April 2016

Day 4 POEM: Nothing

Janel J. Tutak, November 13, 2004

I am not special
A forgotten toy that collects dust in a corner
I am nothing new
An old rumor that has lost its juice
I am unimportant
A file that keeps getting placed at the bottom of the pile
I am pointless
A TV show on a blank tape that has been taped over several times
I am insignificant
A penny that is all the change you receive so you tell them to keep it
I am forgotten
A promise you made many years ago while half asleep and intoxicated
I am worthless
A fake coupon that expired many years ago
I am me
A girl who is all these things and less

Another poem from that site. But I really like it. And though I can't remember who it was about or writing it, the emotion is not hard to imagine. I can read it and feel what I felt. The words are clear as are the emotion. That is one of my favourite things about writing poems. Sometimes feelings are tangled in your head, trapped in your body. But when you put it to words, it makes sense. Sometimes it helps to get it out, sometimes is just helps to have it become clear what your are feeling, even if it doesn't go away. Hurt. Confusion. Pain. They feed off of one another. Poetry is catching them in a spider's web and allowing you to see the beauty in it.

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