Saturday 23 April 2016

National Poetry Month Pledge

Sometimes when you are a parent days blend in together, weeks and months are part of a fog of diaper changes, meals, bedtime stories, tantrums, forts and songs. Suddenly I look at my calender and I see it is no longer March but near the end of April. April... besides my mum's birthday, there is something else significant with that month, if I only could remember.... Ah yes.
National Poetry Month.
My love for writing poetry was the fuel that fed my love for writing when I was younger. If only I had kept it up a little more, although, perhaps adolescent angst is truly some of the best muses for poetry. Ah well.
In honour of what could have been one poem posted everyday for a month, I will still give you, my reader, a little throwback from my treasury. For 30 days, I will post one of my poems for your reading pleasure.

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